Dear Mao Media Editor,
Thank you for your post 寻人启事 on Sept. 17, 2015!
I need to tell you when I got my best friend Hui’s email, tear welled up my eyes. I was thrilled that we got connected again so many years after a phone call couple of days ago to first Zhang Hui who offered gracious help to reach you. Without the helps from both of you, this reunion would never happen. Many THANKS from the bottom of my heart!!! Please pass along our thanks to the Zhang Hui family in Clevedon. I read your heartwarming report about them earlier. Is it wonderful such inspiring story magically developing into another one?
With all of us, thank you very much!
Yanping Jin & Stephen Ye in U.S.A.
Dear Mao Media Editor,
Thank you for your post 寻人启事 on Sept. 17, 2015!
I need to tell you when I got my best friend Hui’s email, tear welled up my eyes. I was thrilled that we got connected again so many years after a phone call couple of days ago to first Zhang Hui who offered gracious help to reach you. Without the helps from both of you, this reunion would never happen. Many THANKS from the bottom of my heart!!! Please pass along our thanks to the Zhang Hui family in Clevedon. I read your heartwarming report about them earlier. Is it wonderful such inspiring story magically developing into another one?
With all of us, thank you very much!
Yanping Jin & Stephen Ye in U.S.A.
谢谢老朋友鼓励,e2020被黑客黑掉了,还没有顾得上恢复,也有些顾不过来。欢迎经常来访并发表意见,因为灌水广告帖子太多,所以只好设置上临时做了限制。 请见谅!
你好,墙头草,抱歉,才看到你的留言。 请发邮件:
不懂英文啊!大哥。我发邮件请教几个问题 来了一堆英文,好郁闷哦!
我希望能找到我的朋友,李本洲。能否麻烦您转告我的微信号,wxid_bogf7xp8lkx111; 我的email is,; 我美国的电话是702-416-3336。这几天我在Auckland.